curious for experiences and thoughts on non monogamous red pill relationships

I've also found myself to be very selective. To the point where I'm unattracted to anyone who isn't self aware in some way.

I'm the same way. This is in stark contrast to critics who think poly means "Fucking everything that moves." This often invokes strong beliefs that were instilled since childhood by religion etc. Once this happens, a rational discussion with the person becomes impossible.

That's why its also important to never allow even the perception that you consider poly to be a better or more enlightened form of relationship when discussing it among critics. It triggers an emotional response that is impenetrable to logic. Many belief systems structure their canons to take advantage of this aspect of human nature.

a post from someone talking about a "crazy" woman and "don't stick your dick in crazy".

This doesn't refer to someone who is benevolent but "alternative." It refers to legit crazy; Axis II disorders like Borderline Personality Disorder, or commits crimes when they feel jilted such as assault, vandalism, and stalking.

the relationships in my polycule are the healthiest I've ever seen. Zero drama in a group of 9.

That's awesome! If only our critics could see and fully grok poly relationships that work smoothly like this.

Gosh that sounds like a lot of drama in your life.

I agree, it does; but keep it in perspective. My love life spans over 1/3 century at this point, 20+ years of it with times of being poly. Most of this time was smooth and happy for all parties; it's my nature to cultivate win-win relationships. The bad breakups and extinction-level events that ended numerous relationships at once were like earthquakes or tornadoes. Not there almost all of the time, but devastating and with wide, lengthy, and memorable repercussions.

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