The current state of SegWitCoin (Bitcoin Legacy)

It's not that it isn't necessarily, more that it will trend that way technologically at a higher rate than any other cyptocoin that I know of.

Bitcoin is going down that path too of course. ASICs are the worst thing that ever happened to cryptos in my opinion. But they're here to stay now so....

I chose the version of bitcoin that doesn't absolutely require chinese farmers to make it work.

I'm hopeful that you guys are succesful as well.

I don't see why both can't exist.

Except that people like you insist on using abrasive langauge and ad hominen attacks, like most people in these subreddits.

I'm jumping ship as much because the community has become so horrifically toxic.

Repeating propaganda? Sure dude. Sure. Anything anyone else believes that doesnt match what you believe is propaganda. Yup. No way in hell that attitude can't be manipulated.

Just ask Trump fans, anything bad is fake news. right?

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