We just mined a 1.99MB block

No. I responded to all of your nonsense days ago.

Heh heh, point to where you answered the above question

  • where Szabo is wrong and you are right

you only made 3 posts to that question so I will list them for you

  1. What a retard. Looks like I've got my first fanboy - following me around Reddit.

  2. You're replying to your own post now and you seem to have developed some small obsession with me. This isn't healthy behavior. You lost a debate and showed yourself to be a complete moron. Learn from it & let it go.

  3. Truly one of the most bizarre and pathetic characters I've ever conversed with via the internet. *you're. You're just proving my point now.

I can't see a reply addressing where Szabo's blocksize should never be increased is reconciled with your Most Bitcoin proponents, my self included, expect a modest blocksize increase at some point in the future

all you got is a lot of wriggling, ad homs and correcting my non use of an apostrophe. heh heh

/r/btc Thread Parent Link - blockstream.info