
I'm talking about violence, violence makes violences to womans, how am I out of topic?! I'm not talking about polar bears. Experiences and our identity makes us violent, violence= ways to express violence Ways to express violence= violences to woman or racism The violence the people choose is based on their experiences, woman can be racist too of course. Racist woman would vote to a world were black people have no rights, and would make black people feel like they don't deserve rights. You in the first comment said "mans ego are weirdest thing" and said that we are nullifying the woman pain from the world violence, we all pain violence, I'm been bullied for years, that's violence, and guess what, I'm a man. Womans have been violent to me too in their way,fucking unbelievable! Imagine a relationship where the woman abuses the man without even touching him, just with worlds, the woman makes him feel like his nothing. That's happens a lot , trust me.

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