DAE wonder how kids in high school had so much going on and did well in everything?

Humble brag incoming.

Varsity football. 4.5 GPA. Senior class president. AP classes. Founded two clubs and was in several others. Received a couple service awards from my school too. Ended up going to an Ivy League school and now have a good paying job. Life isn't too bad

High school was one big grind. While all my friends would hang out after school, I'd have to practice/workout. Then do homework. Then study. And finally try to get the adequate amount of sleep for a teenager. It was hard and not fun, besides a few choice moments.

On weekends, I'd spend time with my family, study for the SAT, and catch up on any other studying/homework I needed to. I occasionally played video games and hung out with friends.

I didn't drink, smoke pot, or have a girlfriend until the second semester of my senior year, once I was in college and didn't have too much to worry about. I had to repress any feelings of teenage angst I had and had to actually be friendly with my parents, take their advice, and take whatever they were able to give me with a gracious attitude.

Long story short - I worked my ass off in high school to get into a good college. I had a lot of fun in college, got a marketable degree, and now I have a solid job that should allow me to pay off the student loans I have from going to a private school.

/r/DAE Thread