Daily AM Thread - December 08, 2018

I also can't get over the fact that I only feel like this pregnancy is ~ REAL ~ when I have an ultrasound done (which I've been lucky about, since I've had three thus far -- one dating one at 5+1, one 7-week at my OBGYN and then a follow-up at 8 weeks). Which I know I need to get the hell over, since at this point I'll only be having them like once a month (next one isn't until 12 weeks). We want to tell family/everyone at Christmas but I'll be like 3 solid weeks out from my last US at that point and the idea makes me SO nervous. I am considering going to a local Planned Parenthood the week before just to ease my mind, which I know is batshit nuts but I feel like it's the only thing that will make me excited to announce.

/r/July2019Bumpers Thread