How much does the political affiliation matters to you when choosing a partner?

Nope. Only religion does to an extent. If she's atheist or agnostic we tend to get a long pretty well. I'm not opposed to dating a christian or jewish girl, just no muslim ones. Other than that I've dated girls all over the political spectrum and political leanings don't really matter. I'm pretty moderate myself.

I met the most conservative girls off tinder (they like my pic of me doing outdoorsy and gun stuff), most liberal girls on campus, and most moderate women in the place I live (some of whom commute to my campus) All of them were cool in their own ways.

Conservative girls are awesome (usually super wholesome too), but I never went full on conservative though. Not because I didn't want to, mind you, but because I just don't think I would stand a chance with most. I would think most deeply conservative girls or their parents would have an issue with dating an atheist ex muslim born from pakistani parents. It's cool though, plenty of them are good friends too.

TLDR: Just holding out for the right girl. Idc what she believes politically as I share beliefs from all parts of the spectrum. As long as she's not super religious, I'm fine.

/r/AskAnAmerican Thread