Daily Discussion - January 30, 2021

Ok guys, now that the downward DOGE is consolidating and is coiling for an upward trend I think it's time we put things into perspective and outline the game plan more clearly.

We are in dire need for some clear-headed guidance and there are a number of things that need to be cleared up moving forward. (Please feel free to copy this post, update it and reword it).

  1. Ok so the first thing that needs to be cleared up is that we aren't investing in something like Ethereum that has "future roadmaps" and "strong fundamentals".

We are investing in a community.

Dogecoin isn't a ponzi. It's an anti-ponzi!

The reason dogecoin was created was as a fuck you to all the bullshit ponzi coins that came out of the original altseason fiasco. We need doge. Doge represents honesty and soul. It gives money a soul.

If we can get this thing to a dollar and adopt it as a currency we can make it our own. We've already seen the support behind it. Elon Musk, the guy literally going to Mars supports us.

I think there is a lot of potential for positive change with this. We can set a precedent to donate profits to bring the world out of poverty, we can distribute our wealth by only investing what we can afford to lose - so that others less fortunate can live a better life. We can jump-start the decentralised revolution away from bankers and middle men which is the world of crypto. There is nothing else like dogecoin and I don't think there ever will be. Don't let the momentum die, we are so close.

  1. If we get DOGE to a $1 we need roughly 130 Billion Dollars. This isn't going to happen over night. We made it close to 0.8 cents in one day!! Thats $10 Billion! in one day! If no one sold we would have been around $40 Billion with the amount of volume coming in, that's almost half way! Getting to $1 is entirely possible if we stick together.

  2. The guys over on wallstreetbets make the effort to outline a plan and have constant updates to what is going on and what needs to happen. We need more of this with the DOGE.

I think we need to get to a general consensus of what we're aiming towards, let's capture this energy and harness it.

Monday is going to be a new run, gme is going to skyrocket and the same energy will flow into doge.

I know I'm staying in. I want to look back and say I was part of something that mattered.

Elon Musk went to the stratosphere and back in a rocket. Some of us went on the back of a fluffy shibes.

/r/SatoshiStreetBets Thread