[Daily Discussion] Friday, May 08, 2020

Who is buying? Retail is not: https://twitter.com/lawmaster/status/1258715293708419072?s=19

At the same time Tether is printing like never before, billions! We still didn't have an audit. There are still at least 3 pending court procedures. Tether lives on bought time. Granted they made a lot of money so the can buy quite a bit of time but eventually they will have to open their books.

Last time we got a glimpse, thanks to the NYAG, it turned out Tether was lying about their reserves, and was giving a billion to a sketchy money laundering business, without any contract whatsoever. WhatsApp Chat records where they begged to get the money back and talked about how BTC would go back to 1000 USD if they go belly up are also not very trust inducing.

Good luck thinking Tether is legit just because things are moving slow.

In 2018 I was not worried about Tether. Now, with the NYAG after them I am.

Having said, in terms of price, I actually think it is likely they will pump it to a new ATH before everything implodes.

There are supposed to be 8 Billion actual USD in bank accounts for Tether. If there isn't shit will hit the fan like never before.

I am a lawyer and I have read ALL court documents. I am following the markets (and Tether) very closely since 2014 (2016). I think it is very unlikely they won't be shut down. I mean even if they are legit, do you think the government allows a private company to essentially print money without any oversight whatsoever. Not. Going. To. Happen. Which is why the NYAG is after them already, it is just a matter of time.

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