Daily FI discussion thread - October 12, 2020

I feel like a 6/10 because: a) I feel like my spouse and I "started late" with serious investing because we spent the first 4 years of our marriage getting out of debt; and b) I fall victim to the "comparison is the thief of joy" trap when I see others' progression on this sub.

However, I just used this net worth by age percentile calculator out of curiosity and sheepishly have to admit that my household is in the 85th percentile for American households in our age group.

So I guess when I really think about it, I'm more of an 9/10. We're not saving as much as I would ideally want, but we're still saving plenty. We also have a 6+ month e-fund and I work in a mostly recession-proof industry, so all things considered, we're doing well!

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