Dark vs. Light Event Details

I'm furious. This farce of an "event" is complete and utter stupidity and let me just give you all a little background on why, from a long time player's standpoint, it is.

I've been a subscriber since April of 2012. That's over 4 years now. My subscription has NEVER lapsed. Even when I was unemployed.

I have -40- character slots on Harbinger. Every single one of those 40 slots are full.

I have: 4 Knights 8 Consulars 5 Smugglers 3 Troopers

3 Warriors 8 Inquisitors 6 Imperial Agents 3 Bounty Hunters

All but 5 of those characters are at max level. I have a shadow, two assassins, a merc, and a smuggler not at cap, and only the smuggler isn't in the 60s, because he was going to be a gunslinger until they got nerfed into oblivion. Only two of those characters, a sniper and a gunslinger, were made using the Insta-60 token. The rest were leveled by vanilla game standards. Yes, I have sentimentality to them -all-. I'm the type of person that makes a character for a specific reason. My legacy tree is a total clusterbomb but EVERY SINGLE CHARACTER is linked to another, each with backstories for them all.

I have done KOTFE at least 6 times, including a dark side run and a light side run. I'm missing only a couple of classes for the stupid Eternal Championship thing, and I'm considering taking my PVP geared infiltration shadow into one of those runs, just because it's easy. I've also gotten every single achievement for the Star Fortresses. On multiple characters.

I have started legacies on two other servers, Begeren Colony and Jedi Covenant. So, been there, done that. Not really interested on starting ANOTHER legacy on ANOTHER, deader server.

I have participated in -every- event, including the Chevin Conglomerate event WAAAAAAY back when things were actually cool in SWTOR.

I have killed almost every boss in the game on the hardest difficulty. I'm missing two: Dread Council NiM and Colossal Monolith HM. Only reason I don't have those kills? I don't have a guild or a raid team any more because they have all left.

I'm missing only three things in my legacy advancement tab: Valor Level 80, 90, and 100.

I have every single datacron in the game.

I am a Galactic Hero (complete every heroic in the game on both Factions), Galactic Explorer (uncover every portion of every map on every planet in both factions), and Loremaster (unlock every single lore item in the game on both factions.)

I have an absolutely maxed legacy. Companions? 92%. Operations? 90%. Classes? 100%. Light side/dark side? 100%. Out of my -40-, again, -40- characters on Harbinger alone, I have 6 Pure Dark Side characters and 5 Total Neutral Characters.

I don't mention these things because I like to show off how much of an amazing player I'm not. Instead, I hope beyond all hope the BioWare Dev Team will eventually see what they're putting their players through. Sure, I don't mind leveling ANOTHER -8- characters because God knows I'm so stinking bored of Odessan Proving Grounds and Orbital Station Arena and failing at Story Mode Dread Master Brontes because nobody knows what they're doing any more. I'd really like to not have to move to another server to do it though. Or maybe just, I don't know, acknowledge the work a majority of the remaining player base has done?

Sure, I don't have to participate, and if this keeps going the way it's slated to, I absolutely will not participate. Not because I'm not its targeted demographic, but because this mockery of everything we did punishes us for sticking around.

If anything, can they at least increase the bloody server cap if they're going to force us to do this retarded grind yet AGAIN?

Or don't. Which is more likely, because all our cries fall on such deaf ears it's more than probable we've all developed a bad case of Stockholm Syndrome.

/r/swtor Thread Parent Link - swtor.com