Deck Review and Theorycrafting | Saturday, December 05, 2015

Hi, I've been toying around with this deck ever since they released Ethereal Conjurer and I would like to hear your opinion. Here's the list I'm running at the moment:

Bran + Conjurer, Conjurer + Duplicate, Bran into Conjurer into Scarab T10, you get the idea.

They synergyze really well, and it's only a matter of finding a card combination that allows you to withstand early pressure; because once it reaches late game no deck can beat you (Jaraxxus excluded, though I have pulled wins against endless horde of 6/6s)

I almost always save Brann for a T8 double Conjurer trigger if I have stabilized, unless I desperately need the health points (Hunter, Aggro Shaman). No one ever plays around Spellbender (Hi, Shadowflame) or Vaporize (The ammount of big faty fury monsters this card has killed is unbelievable. Also, hi Druid you're 4 off lethal now). To be honest, I'm thinking they get so frustrated at the endless value created by this card that they just stop playing around Mirror Entity as well.

Just make sure to plan ahead, way ahead of your current turn. Pick Poly/Boar against Warrior/Priest, for instance. All you have to do is know your opponent win conditions. Dup Sylvana/BGH, etc. Control matchups are the easiest.

Against Aggro I've gotten as many as 6 Belchers from Dups, and usually getting an Ice Block from your tempo Scarab (hehe) lets you save Bran + Heal Bot for a big life gain turn while you deal with their board. Once you've dealt with their board, you start exploiting Conjurer + Secrets.

Card Choices:

  • 2x Zombie Chows: Vital card to survive early game. Feel free to duplicate this against Aggro.

  • 2x Frostbolt: Removal for key early targets.

  • 2x Jeweled Scarab: Value card, great in the late game along with Bran. Gives you a T3 play if your starting hand wasn't optimal and you need some board presence.

  • 2x Mad Scientist: Need this to make a trade and start duplicating Shredders/Vendors/Belchers against Aggro. Immense value card, of course.

  • 2x Duplicate: The only secret I'm running. You choose your duplicate targets depending on the matchup. BGH/Sylvana against Control Warrior is perfect, Belchers against Aggro or Healbots if for some reason they traded (or a Juggler ping proc'd your secret)

  • 1x Big Game Hunter: Pretty standard card in any Midrange/Control deck. No more than 1 is needed, since you're running Dups and a Polymorph.

  • 1x Brann Bronzebeard: You drop this and Healbot against Aggro to extend the game, since lategame is where this deck shines. Against slower matchups, you save it to play along Conjurer.

  • 1x Mind Control Tech: In the quite frequent ocassion where your opponent decides to ignore your board, you drop this minion and create asymmetry.

  • 1x Polymorph: Your only answer to Ysera/Tyrion. Good on buffed minions or large threats, if you're sure you can handle the fabulous duo mentioned before.

  • 2x Piloted Shredder: Good Duplicate target against Midrange decks, packs a punch against Control.

  • 2x Refreshment Vendors: Understimated card, trades well and aids in keeping your life total healthy. Good duplicate target against Aggro, especially Face Hunter.

  • 2x Antique Healbot: Much needed heal, gets you back into the comfort zone to become the aggressor against fast decks. 16 life gain with Bran.

  • 2x Ethereal Conjurer: The star of the deck. Frost Nova, Pyroblast, an endless array of secrets, etc. This will keep your opponent guessing and keeps replenishing your hand. Huge value when combined with Bran or a T8 play with Duplicate.

  • 2x Sludge Belcher: Your best dup target against aggro.

  • 1x Bllizzard: Your earliest form of AoE, included because Patrons are nowhere to be seen.

  • 1x Sylvanas Windrunner: Forces awkard trades, good dup target in certain matchups. It's Sylvanas.

  • 1x Flamestrike: Only 1 off because you aim to control the board via early trades.

  • 1x Baron Geddon: To stop Zoo and Paladin decks, especially those running Justicar.

  • 1x Dr. Boom: They need to deal with this or suffer a Flamestrike.

  • 1x Ragnaros: Great finisher.

I'm aware the the card explanation is quite basic, but this deck is not really simple and every matchup deserves a careful explanation. I might add more information in the future, but in the meantime I'm still adjusting the deck. This deck fares extremely well against any control Matchup (Freeze Mage, Control Warrior, Control Priest are favoured towards us, barring misplays or not knowing your opponent's deck). Hunters are a walk in the park, Midrange Paladins are manageable unless they have a godly draw, disrespect your first secret and just drop their Shredder while simultaneously being ahead on board. Don't waste your Polymorph, save it for Tyrion.

/r/CompetitiveHS Thread