Ask /r/CompetitiveHS | Thursday, August 08, 2019

I’d say no. In RoS espionage was sometimes included as a way to fuel your cutlass and most useful in warrior matchups. A big problem was that you often got weapons though, Kibler who played the list a lot eventually replaced it with Scheme which for me at least feels a lot better (still run it in quest rogue)

In new burgle rogue you don’t have cutlass and it’s too slow. It clogs your hand, you need a turn to play it and actually draw the cards. The only thing espionage does is put you away from fatigue, it probably doesn’t even help against control since they’ve just got better cards. If you want a greedy option try scheme. I run one copy and Siamat as another target next to Tess and it’s really good. Even getting only 2 or 3 extra Tesses is good enough and if you’re really desperate you can also target something like Zilliax or Bazaar Mugger if you still need to complete the quest.

Your other idea could be interesting but I think a really late quest completion isn’t really good since you lack value without it and espionage in a tempo deck is just bad as well. It’s sad and you can definitely try but I personally wouldn’t.

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