What’s Working and What Isn’t? | Tuesday, April 11, 2023 - Thursday, April 13, 2023

Miracle rogue is absolutely dead. I tried both versions even my own, but:

The 3 mana return all minions to hand and they cost 1 is too expensive, if it costed 2 mana it would be playable but at 3 it's absolutely too expensive considering you also have to pay 1 more mana for each minion

The combo version feels quite weak, the combo cards just don't have all that much payoff. A 3/4 that deals 4 spread through enemies is not bad but is not amazing either, considering it can hit face and it's random. A 2 mana 4/1 is pretty garbage, the weapon is nuts when u can draw it, the graveyard doesn't have many ways to cheat mana without free cocs and hazy cocs, and the combo rusher takes too long to be relevant. The combo version is just a bit too fair compared to some of the other decks like chad warlock or outcast dh

For the non-combo version, i replaced double dancers with double cult neophyte, replaced double cutlass with double breakdance, replaced edwin with astalor and finally you can either keep draka or play 1 murkwater scribe. Either way, without the dancers generating coins and cutlass reducing cards in the early turns, it just feels like u cannot cheat enough mana. Without the coins and cards reduced beforehand it just doesn't feel the same. Breakdance is amazing with the rushers and with concoctors, can also be used to return putricide to hand as well or just return a low hp ghost to hand to resummon it with full hp and rush it (or just rush it), so it's definitely a 2 of, however without the coins from the dancer it's just too fair. It doesn't feel the same anymore. Draka feels nearly impossible to actually get off, while the graveyards are not bad payoffs but if u don't draw em (and even if u do u need a decent hand), it's just a little lackluster. Absolutely cannot compare to decks like outcast DH or chad warlock. No dancer means it's just dead. That card was absolutely crucial to enabling all those degenerate combo turns. Like it's not completely dead but feels lackluster to play vs all the cheating the unfair bullshit the other decks are pulling off.

Then I druid anub jailer tony zok druid (the first list on VS). The crazed alchemist often felt useless, so i replaced it with a zola. The biggest problem of this deck is while it has decent early game if u draw the early guys, meaning it doesn't fold vs aggro as much as ramp druids from the past, it cannot deal well with big blowout turn. Turn 5 chad warlock plays a slime discarding a thaddius, u're absolutely fucked and u know it and u know next turn he will have 3 giant minions on the board and u just lose u cannot clear em. Completely loses to dirty rat and disruption as well, but fortunately none plays that. The zola should help a little. Also if the enemy is actively pressuring you, it becomes hard to get off a jailer turn or a turn to anub + jailer + tony. You need 7 more armor for that, and while hero power can give u 5, that still leaves 2 armor which means u need some leftover armor from a previous turn (can also play 1 plating for the extra 4 armor u get at start of turn to help u with combo). It feels really strong but also struggles hard with big minions and constant nonstop pressure, so it's hard to say, definitely one of the better decks tho. That's all i managed to play.

I also played vs some big paladin dude, he stalled then played the 9 mana card that fills the board and that not only takes away ur win conditions but also filled his board with absolutely gigantic minions. That was like insta concede.

Played vs big beast hunter with druid but it never felt like a problem. Banjosaur needs a target so just don't play minions. Mister Mukla is insane but big dreams is actually not that good. 2 turns dormant plus by the time he plays it u have already ramped a bit, so with all the armor gain it felt a very favoured matchup for the druid. Outcast dh felt manageable as well, if u draw some early minions and some ramp. Chad warlock felt unwinnable, far too many taunts and cheating with slime and the guy who resurrects and the copy into a 3/3 and just, yikes matchup. Fatigue imps felt a little slow when i played against it. Unholy dk with the eggs spreading is also really strong, altho very boring to play.

/r/CompetitiveHS Thread