Deen Squad- Friday (Halal Remix) TUESDAY PARODY

I'm not going to trust you more than I trust myself lol. I know what I said and I know what I believe. Your position is to make me look as bad as possible which is what you told me in a private message.

But I remember asking you if it was acceptable to kill Ahmadis (I think the post had to do with an attack on an Ahmadi masjid in Pakistan). You avoided the question for a while, and then I believe you said that the penalty for apostasy is death.

So I supposedly said absolutely nothing about killing Qadianis (I don't have any remembrance of this incident). I supposedly said that we should execute the apostate, not kill Qadianis.

I do agree with executing the apostate, that is the Ijma, so no slandering with saying I think we should execute the apostate.

However executing the apostate has nothing to do with killing Qadianis for just being Qadiani. That's like saying we should kill Hindus just for being Hindu. Both Qadianis and Hindus are kuffar (Hamza Yusuf and the Ijma agrees, so I would suggest not disagreeing with me), but you can't just kill kuffar because they're kuffar.

So you have clarified this incident and I didn't even say anything messed up about Qadianis, only saying to execute the apostate.

I think the fact that you seem to be equating music with all these horrible things (the murder of religious minorities, for example) says a lot.

I don't even know what this means.

So you've never supported the claim against Shia, you've dropped the claim about Christians, and you've clarified that there is no claim about Qadianis.

Next time actually be sure you're being truthful before slandering someone. You're intentions are in absolutely the wrong place. Please get that fixed. Your intention should be to please God, not make me look evil.

Nice job avoiding my questions. Looks like I was right.

Also do you know how many 'Israel kills Palestinian' threads I've left no comment on? Be consistent at least, do you honestly think I don't care about Muslims in Palestine, or do you only care if I comment on threads about killing non-Muslims or Shia?

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