
They fired half the BMMs. BTSs will be picking up the slack, so don't expect them to be out helping you as much. They took that money and hired new RBOMs, many from outside the company. The RBOMs will only have 3 people under them now. I guess they decided that they don't like working.

The remaining BMMs took a pay cut for managing 4x the bakers they had before, some of them told Corporate to go fuck themselves and left.

The BTSs will not receive a raise for the added responsibilities. Also, if you have aspirations of rising above an hourly manager position, seek employment elsewhere. The GMs will be taking more and more of that responsibility until they can fire the remaining BMMs.

Honestly I think they'll cost cut bakery ops to the point that everything is ready to bake and they don't need the bakers anymore, like Starbucks but with shitty coffee.

/r/Panera Thread Parent