Did they... add... racism to this franchise in Ash v Evil Dead??

How about instead of making this generic claim of "he's racist", how about you provide some specific examples? But before you do, let's do a quick refresher:

  • Amanda Fisher and Linda Bates, two African American ladies, were Ash's primary love interests for 2 out of the 3 seasons.
  • Ash loved his Mexican buddy Pablo so much he was willing to re-write history to bring him back to life, and was almost killed in the process.

The only examples of "racism" I can come up with are both from Season 1. Deadite Lem mentions Fire Water (with Ash responding "that was before I knew it was racist", implying he quit calling it that), and Evil Ash's comment about "Asian babies creep me out" and the real Ash later stating that he isn't racist against Asians.

/r/AshVsEvilDead Thread