Why did you get involved with GamerGate?

I remember going onto Youtube in 2006 and watching rants on SoccerMoms. SoccerMom was a pejorative for people who felt the need to "protect" kids from violent video games. Liberals fucking hated him. Kotaku especially.

I knew I was a liberal. They wanted to protect free speech and those crusty conservatives hated my enjoyment of media and entertainment.

I was raised Catholic most of my live but after watching Thunderf00t, TheAmazingAtheist, CoctopusPrime, Darkmatter, and other atheist youtubers I had a change of thought.

I became obsessed with debunking creationists, I watched The Daily Show and Colbert Report everyday, and I knew that Liberalism and Skepticism was the place to be.

In 2011, Rebecca Watson had her whole "OMG someone asked me for sex on an elevator" tirade. This split the atheist community. Some people lambasted critics of Watson and denounced them as sexists. Others thought she was having a case of first-world problem syndrome.

She wasn't assaulted. She wasn't abused. She was politely asked for sex. All she had to do is say "no". That's what consent is all about. But she made it a massive shitstorm.

In 2013, Richard Carrier and PZ Meyers started to preach for Atheism+. You couldn't just be a skeptic anymore. You had to drink the feminist Kool Aid.

After Atheism+ and Elevatorgate, it seemed to be hard to be just a skeptic who wanted to have a debate or discussion. Instead, feminists had to shove their agenda down our throats. It was terrible.

Now extremely radical, bat shit crazy, Andrea Dworkin-esque feminism went from being dismissed to being treated seriously at universities to being treated seriously on the internet.

But feminism wouldn't just poison atheism. Then they started to infiltrate gaming.

People seem to forget that Zoe Quinn or Brianna Wu or Anita Sarkeesian wasn't the original main focus of GG. It was Nathan Grayson. The fact that he spoke positively about Quinn while having a sexual relationship (a cheating one at that) is what sparked GamerGate.

Jack Thompson's ideology was swapped out with Anita Sarkeesian's and the narrative shifted from "Video Games cause Violence" to "Video Games cause Sexism".

With the lack of substantial evidence for feminism and feminist ideas, they moved on to "Listen And Believe".

How did Kotaku and Adam Sessler go from Pro Gaming, Fuck You Jack Thompson rebels to suck ups for SJW causes?

Conclusion: I am tired of these preachy, stuck up, constantly protesting, ungrateful, condescending, narcissistic, first world problem hipsters ruining what I hold dear to myself. They can't be content with being miserable themselves. They have to label everything "problematic". They use the law in the case of Greg Elliot. They try to get the UN involved. They try to harass people. They all collude with one another .(The Gamers are Dead articles) They have a shit load of power in the journalism industry. Just look at the Wikipedia bias.

It's fucking disgusting.

/r/GGFreeForAll Thread