Did Jesus really mean cut off your hand and pluck out your eye?

The teaching here is shocking, because it's supposed to "Wake" us up!

I agree; this appears to be the most likely explanation.

This is probably a good saying of Jesus to meditate upon in regards to the other thread about homosexuality. I don't even really care about the debate that much, but shouldn't we be willing to be celibate or rethink our relationships with sex if that's where the Spirit leads?

Yes I should think so. The problem is that we often overlook just how difficult the burden is we so casually place on lgbtq+ folk. While we may choose to remain celibate, they have no such choice. In their case, we'd be telling them that for the rest of their lives they are required to remain single. That's one hell of a burden that any straight Christian would not want to have foisted onto himself.

It would be even more galling to the lgbtq+ community to then see those same Christians sleeping around freely and not getting rebuked for it because "God knows my heart" and "Jesus did it all on the cross".

If we really believe it is necessary to enforce such a heavy burden on others, shouldn't we get our own act together, first?

/r/Teachings_Of_Jesus Thread Parent