I really like 7, 8, 9 and 10 but...

Absolute chad reply and 100% true.

Only touched FF5 last year, right after finally getting around to play through FF12 ZA and FF9 (Moguri mod) and it's the one I easily enjoyed the most. Still touching moments with the characters, still cheesy as FF has always been, the job system is superb and Exdeath is just such an enjoyable (albeit comical) villain to have.

Someone in the comment said that FF6 gives us something we usually don't get with modern games with the villain "winning", yet FF6 isn't even the first game in the series when you consider in FF5 Exdeath succeeds with all of his plans except at the very end, and the result of his actions was that the two worlds remerge, thus forcing the cast to live in a world of "his" making. Together with the after effects of whole regions being swallowed by the void.

Heck, FF7 is a similar case, where only at the very last moment possible the party succeeds to thwart Sephiroth's plan.

I think FF10 is the first of the "big" titles in the franchise where the villain doesn't really "win" before being beaten at the very end, simply because that's not the purpose of Sin after all.

FF15 too, has the villain literally sitting on his throne with ruin all around him just awaiting the final confrontation and the party has been playing into his hands the entire game.

/r/FinalFantasy Thread Parent Link - i.imgur.com