I did a reading regarding reconciliation with my ex, I’m not the greatest tarot reader but these are the cards I pulled and would you say that reconciliation is coming? When I look at the cards and understand their meanings I would think so right? I’m not trying to doubt myself but what do you think

I think the cards reflect your consideration about reconciliation and it's a heartfelt decision. You want it to be the right choice but you're still considering the variables. What if this or that and maybe this way would be better or how would choice A turn out over choice B. If you're accepting the Empress then your head and heart are one but if not you might be tempted to go against what you truly feel and a lot of that has to do with why things ended the first round. If you get back together it'd be for the right reason right? Not because you're unsure why you're still attracted to them or why you need to have them back. I see it as why didn't it go the mile the first time and why bury your head in the sand when something doesn't feel right yet. Temperance could indicate reconciliation but it's also highs and lows. Post break up you feel up and down, happy one minute and biting your nails the next. Separation has given you time to re evaluate before making this choice but remember to think it over well. If the break up hasn't been processed yet and it's making you rush back in, reconciling might be for the wrong reason.

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