Be real- Am I being cheated on? My story & interpretation in comments.

Last 6 weeks or so with my partner have been fantastic & was even getting hints that he was going to propose. Suddenly things seemed to have turned on their head & he said he needed space to focus on work/his court case. I've been home/with my parents for a week now & communication seems to have trickled down into the bare minimum (if that). I tried talking to him on the phone yesterday & he said please not to add pressure to him & just be his strength. Ok, sure. But I just kept getting a weird feeling but I don't know if it's anxiety or what.

So I half-jokingly asked my friend's pendulum if he is avoiding me because he's done something wrong, which it answered "yes". This brings me to my question of "What has (his name) done to feel guilty?" here is how I am interpreting it but I'd really love a second opinion!

THE STAR: Without a doubt, this card is like, my card. She always always shows up when I'm worrying too much & I need to get out of my head. As an action card, I'm super lost. I've never had it come out as an action, so I'm half wondering if it's actually for me or if he is maybe feeling better without me around? Totally lost on this one!

Three of Swords: Oh god why. This is the card that kept coming up when my ex was cheating on me and that's what I associate it with HEAVILY. Literally worse case scenario vibes immediately, so I asked for a clarifier. To which I got-

Seven of Wands: He's tired? Holding his ground? Yeah make's sense. As I said, he's in the middle of a nasty court case that's causing stress & strain on us rn. There's money issues, communication issues, but stress. It was supposed to end yesterday but has been pushed off until December by the judge. Clarified, maybe he is cheating because I am stressing him out? Because he wants an escape from this stress? I don't know.

I also went ahead and asked what does my higher self want me to know, and I got

Queen of Pentacles: I have been reparenting myself a lot lately, not because of any relationship stuff but just in general. I feel like this is encouragement to stay on that path regardless of what this reading means. Stay nurturing to myself, keep working towards my goals.

So, what do you guys think? Super confused rn :S thank you all in advance

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