Discussing C'Thun and its viability

My question would be do we really even have to dedicate a viable deck to C'thun, or could it instead simply be another tool in the deck, similar to Grommash in Control Warrior.

If you build a deck purely around Grommash in warrior, the deck is going to be shit. You're playing a fairly high percentage of cards like Inner Rage, Blood to Ichor, Whirlwind, Rampage, Slam, Revenge, Deaths Bite, Alexstraza, maybe even Warsong Commander or Elvish Archer if you're that one-route minded.

Some of the cards listed are decent, or good, on their own, but a fairly high percentage are cards you're not going to want to be playing outside of a "grom only win" type of deck.

So there are a lot of cards that can synergize with Grom's ability to deal a ton of damage at once, but what if we only play the best of them to act as what they already do, plus a potential Grom activator. Whirlwind wasn't really played once Deaths Bite came out because of it's limited utility, but Deaths Bite itself was very strong.

So, for C'thun, what if you didn't focus on "C'thun or bust" and instead made a deck that had C'thun and the good activators as options in the deck rather than the centerpiece.

For example, what if you built a druid deck with C'thun and 2x Arakkoa's, but nothing else C'thun related. Sure, Amberweaver is good, but is it so much better than Fandral and Savage Combatant at 4, or Druid of the Claw for a similar effect, to play more C'thun activators.

If Amber weaver and Emperor are just that good, then do we need to run more than 4 of activators, so 2x Arakkoa and 2x Beckoner/Elder/Chosen/Disciple.

I say this because people always talk about "costly cards need to have a very good reason to play them, like a big immediate effect or something hard to deal with."

Playing a single Arakkoa before playing C'thun means for 10 mana you get a 9/9 body and 9 damage spread among all enemies. Yes, this isn't gonna instagib your opponent, but it is quite powerful. If you manage to get both Arakkoa's out before C'thun then it's 10 mana 12/12 and deal 12 damage among all enemies.

I wonder if putting C'thun in because Arakkoa's are fairly good, and C'thun is a pretty decent 10 mana card isn't a better idea than just building your deck around C'thun and all the weaknesses that come with that.

/r/CompetitiveHS Thread