I literally just met this person.

Wow, sorry you got downvoted into oblivion for this. I'm the OP of the comment you were replying to. The reddit brigade is strong today. I had no intention of arguing with you.

I agree with you 100% that a bunch of the trans community can be really fucked up individuals, and it can become a circlejerk/echo chamber really fast on the internet. Same with any social justice bullshit. Most people I know in offline life who belong to a minority group make fun of them, too.

However, my brother really doesn't interact with the trans community at all. He doesn't go out of his way to find a way to 'belong' in the group and doesn't partake in any internet or real-life community for LGBT stuff. He simply felt like something was amiss for much of his life, and finally got around to looking it up. It hasn't really changed who he is or his behaviours at all. Practically the only difference is me referring to him as 'him'. There's no talk of hormone replacement or surgery; he looked wonderfully androgynous beforehand anyway. Same person I always knew with such a minor change. He confronted me about it, I said it wasn't a big deal and he can figure himself out, and we went back to our normal selves talking about video games and art ever since.

I imagine that my case is somewhat typical; there are plenty of folks who are gay, for example, who have nothing to do with any gay communities other than sharing a trait. If he became a weirdo gendertornado tumblr person screaming about how oppressed he is every day, I'm sure I'd probably want to spend a hell of a lot less time around him. I just don't associate with whiny people who get angry about shit all day. It's stupid and counterproductive to me.

Thanks for your reply. I appreciate your honesty-- really, I do, I prefer a discussion then downvoting and ignoring everything that is in opposition to myself.

/r/cringepics Thread Parent Link - i.imgur.com