[discussion] [rant] Frustrated with myself and ASMR Community

I know ASMR is subjective and you can probably discover new triggers, however I like to perceive ASMR as an experience I would get in real life, and therefore the video being similar to real life. Some of these popular trigger videos you mention, i just wonder do people get "tingles" from them or is it more about sexual/sensual feelings? like kissing? i can enjoy crinkles in a certain context, if it meshes with whatever is happening the video. i think i mainly get triggered by someones voice and mannerisms so it's hard for me to understand some of these other triggers. i also have slight misophonia.. my personal rant with ASMR would probably be that it seems it's so easy to get growth as an artist these days if you just use the old cleavage trick and make a girlfriend roleplay, and i Understand that's just "how it is" but as an female asmr creator I refuse to do this based on my own stubborn pride/wanting my channel to be a creative outlet that really focuses on ASMR not giving people hard ons ( kudos to those who do ) but it's hard to progress on your channel ( get better equipment etc) when you can't get growth because there's too much focus on how cute someone is etc.. i realize i sound bitter and so be it but just being honest.. now i will say that i do watch hungry lips videos because her voice gives me ASMR but sometimes it's so over the top i have to turn it off, because it's like ok you could have been a pretty good asmr artist with your voice, but instead its all tits and ass, and whatever gets the views.. shame but i do think it's harder for people trying to make credible asmr to get growth these days.

/r/asmr Thread