[Discussion] Sneaking Out?

Buckle up, this story is a fun one... okay so one night (i was probably 13 or 14 at the time) I was staying at my good friend's house. This was a normal occurrence since our families were good friends and my parents both knew this girl and trusted her. It was around 12:30 in the morning and we decided to go for a walk so we made sure her family was asleep, locked her bedroom door, and snuck out of her window. Her dad is usually out until extremely late hours so every car that drove by we had to run into the woods, frantically lay in a ditch, or run and duck behind bushes or something. We had initially planned on just walking down to a small pond that was barely a mile from her house and turning back but when we got to the pond it was only 1:00 and we figured we had all night so we decided to just keep walking until we felt tired. It was probably a few minutes after we passed the pond that a car came and we ran towards what looked (in the pitch black 1:30 am lighting) like a field of bushes but what turned out to be ALOT of thorns woven together. We both ended up running head first into a pile of thorns and then frantically trying to bend down so the car coming would not notice us. By the end we had tons of scratched all over our legs, arms, and faces. Any level-headed person wouldve turned back at this point but we were not level-headed people so we kept walking. it was pretty straightforward for another half hour or so of walking on the side of the street until another car came and we resorted to blindly running into the woods and lying down on what i would later find out to be an entire field of poison ivy vines (i ended up having the worst rash my doctor had seen and was in the hospital for days because of the rash and side effects). Here is where the story gets REAL fun. We were coming to the end of the road, about four or five miles from my friends house, and nearing the place we were going to turn around and head back when we saw a house with a light on in a screen porch. Not thinking much of it, we walked by. While we were passing the house, the owner's dog noticed us and started barking like crazy. We werent worried until we heard the screen door squeak and saw a man walking out. We were freaked out (the man was clearly drunk) but didn't start running until we noticed the gun in his hand. naturally, we started running for our lives. the man started stumbling after us and even followed us into the woods for awhile, where my friend and i split up and ran randomly in the pitch black woods. after two or three minutes of hiding, we saw the man go back into his house and my friend and i met up again. We were standing at a dead end so we knew we had to walk past the drunk guys house again so we just layed in the road for a good 45 minutes, hoping that was enough time for the man to have gone to bed or atleast left the room he was in. a good hour and a few mini pep talks later and my friend and i decided to walk back. it was and still is the scariest minute of my life as we walked slowly past the house at 3:30 in the morning. Somehow, we managed to pass his house without him or his dog noticing. We walked the five miles back to her house in silence, with bloody legs and arms, and a rolled ankle. when we got back we snuck back in through her window and made up a hell of a cover story for how we had gotten all our scratches.

/r/teenagers Thread