This is incredibly depressing, that every headline is about a shooting

CNN: 'Fox blinked': Anderson Cooper breaks down Fox News' $787.5M Dominion settlement TRUMP TV pays close to 1Billion settlement for 2020 Erection mis information. USA erection proved to be safe, clean and fair after jan 6th investigations . if you win, you WON. All, each and every MEME token is a joke, To be taken seriously ,Doge went from zero to hero in a week time making so many people millionaires world wide. Right now, DOGE/CAT coin are outdated. FROG is the new boss. PEPES. Today, all token UNLOCKED, cause a massive dump. This sit he new LOW entry point. 100Billion with a BURN, A tiny fraction compiared to 420Quadratrrion MEME tokens. 4% sllipage Why Is Kaspa Dumping?! KAS Mineable coin dumped hard. Token was very overhyped, we warned people weks ago. People ddi not listen. Eary investors become Millionaire will invest in ETH OR BTC. IF you double your investiment ,sell half do not wait to get richer, may never happen . WHY? People are buying AVN. DUAL mine GPU or CPU. MAKE A TACO : .

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