Disneyland Kreuzberg.

Something you disagree with doesn't necessarily mean it's poorly written. I find it very audacious to attempt to comment on the quality of texts that aren't in your native language.

And since you mention it and seem to be keen to make this personal - honestly, the german part of your last post is very demanding for anyone's Leseverständnis, not sure if anyone's ever dared to tell you that your German still could use a bit of polish, especially since you seem to study in this language. I'm not saying it's bad, but it's not perfect enough for you to be in a position to judge whether a german text is "poorly written" or not.

It was pretty clear to me that you were 'couching,' which, if you are unfamiliar with the term, means pretending you are asking for a friend when you are really asking for yourself.

Well, no, I wasn't, whether you believe it or not. What annoys me about this exchange of comments we had there is that you obviously have never encountered any of the people I was talking about, but still somehow wanted to feel offended about something and therefore branched off into completely different territory.

I'm not being rude, I just wanted to end this conversation because "wir reden offensichtlich aneinander vorbei".

Regarding my intial comment about the "Altlinken"... Trust me, after now 14 years of living in Berlin I know what I am talking about, and I was keen to hear from the other user whether they did, too. You obviously don't, because three months in Wrangelkiez aren't enough to have experienced the shenanigans of Kreuzberg's Ex-Hausbesetzer types who indeed can be as schizophrenic as I have described them. In fact, you'll probably never ever interact with them, because you are exactly their Feindbild. And it's good for you that you seem to be comfortable with being hated on, but I still find it despicable that this phenomenon exists.

/r/berlin Thread Parent Link - siegstyle.de