Does anybody knows what happend to rsds Sam aka tripple-P?

I'm going to break your words with logic uvmansion.

  1. Yes, Julien and Brad have done their mistakes, and as you are pointing out they've been forced to take the consequenses. There is simply a reason why Sam hasn't been forced to do the Sam; he has never publicly done anything harmful, in fact Sam was never a front figure and was always in the background, hence why theres exactly nothing left of him on the web.

  2. That's just word play. You say emotionally abuse, I reckon the rest of us (includint Sam) would call that emotional stimulation. That's why they do end up in bed with him, because they are stimulated, not abused.

  3. Controversy and we'll leave it at that.

  4. In the end of the day it is not the first time the girls have had bad sex. You can't put an obligation that a man has to perform every time. Sure he was bad in bed but with a purpose. I reckon that's better than actually being bad in bed unwillingly.

  5. Satanic sex? Hahaha. I'm just going to not comment that because the comment itself says a lot about your character and thats enough for an argument.

  6. Sure the double life thing must have been extreme. But he was young and the fact is, after he took the second step during his travels with a girl he cared about, and decided to stop all his acticity in the community, says a lot about that he in fact is regretful and has learned from his mistakes.

  7. You are simply attacking a young man that has admitted his mistakes, and at the same time has teached men to become more confident even when he was having a rough time in his life. You are jusr simply wasting time attacking an innocent, good man. Focus your rage on something more worth it like fighting poverty.

/r/explainlikeimfive Thread