My [33F] SIL [33F] is spreading lies that my best friend [33F] is cheating on her husband [33M]. Caused HUGE scene at our wedding last month; I don't know what to do

I'm trying to. He's just a guy and often tunes us out when we're talking. He was standing right there and didn't hear it.

He's in a tight spot because I've heard about all of it after the fact. I told him about the incident in February but he just shrugged his shoulders and said "what can I do?" And did nothing.

I found out about all of this from his mother literally as we were preparing to exit our wedding. They paid for the majority of the wedding.

We got engaged in August and decided to go away just us two and get married on the beach because my parents couldn't afford a big wedding. His sister called asking about our plans and wasn't happy when she learned we weren't inviting our family (she had been rooting for a destination wedding so her, her hubby and kids would get a free vacay as his parents would pay for them).

So she called her Dad and next thing we know my FIL begged Steve to have a big wedding and he'd pay for it. Problem is that MIL didn't know about it but handles all the $. So in order to get anything paid for...I had to ask Steve to call his mom and ask for $. Nightmare.

I was super worried about making them happy (MIL / SIL) are hard to please. So when MIL came and told me what Tori had said to Pam right before our exit I was perplexed.

It's all we talked about in limo to hotel and walking into our wedding night suite. We met my friends (cat and hubby) for drink in hotel bar after the reception and I made him apologize to her.

Our wedding was awesome, his sister tried to ruin it, didn't and still won't let it go!

So this is obviously an issue we have to get on same page about. It's just hard bc he's used to laying low and staying out of their drama...he says...though he unintentionally gets all up in it and doesn't realize it because it's all he's ever known!

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