Does anyone else think ____ is going home this week?

I posted this on someone else's question. Steve isn't the target, but if he goes home, it doesn't hurt Becky in any way, it actually helps her:

If you have an alliance with someone, and know they have an alliance with someone other than yourself, how would you make your relationship with the former stronger? Easy. You come up with some cock-a-maimy scheme that has little chance of working and get the friend of your friend to agree to being on the block as a pawn. He's not your real target, but if he goes, it only makes your relationship with the former greater because you can claim you never intended for it to happen. Your friend has less options for friends thus making your alliance stronger...if this happens. Here's the real scoop. Shelli is the real target. Only Vanessa wants to openly keep her (she won't be as vocal about it this week at all, if she's sane), but if miracle of miracles occurs and shelli wins veto, vanessa is a great replacement. If JMac wins veto, and uses it, he outs his game relationship with Steve. This will create a new target. Jmac doesn't want to either win this veto, or use it if he does, so targets stay the same. If Steve wins the veto he goes off, vanessa gets put up...maybe out, but I doubt it. It draws too fine a line in the sand and I think Shelli goes. This is all dependant upon Becky being smarter than she appears (she's a bad actor, but I don't get idiot vibes off her), and how well she's judged the house up to now. Edit: even if she didn't completely plan it this way, its still a win win plan for her. No matter what happens she either eliminates enemies with little real blood on her hands, or gets rid of someone who obviously doesn't like her, and happens to be allies with one of her "allies" thus increasing her hold on Jmac. She saves the twins and Austin for a double eviction because they are the obvious easy choice for the new HoH, and she doesn't piss those three off either because I get the sense 2 of them are aware of Vanessa's shit and just going along to use her as a shield.

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