Why do women initiate divorce much more then men?

On top of what everyone said, just look at the type of relationship advice considered normal. The criticism of men is much harder, whereas women evoke sympathy and understanding.

A man who is not very ambitious, which is a personal thing, is heavily criticized in context of relationships.

A man who loses a job for whatever reason or ends up unemployed is pretty much a "break up with that loser" type of situation.

A woman in both of these situations can get some criticisms from certain types, but the first situation is hardly ever a thing, and the second would lead to "is she depressed?" kind of questions.

A woman can decide to be a sahm (something I am very critical off, but I won't get started now), and if she sucks at it, it's because it's the hardest job in the world. A man staying at home is probably a slacker.

If she works and is a mom, she is a hero. If a man works and is a dad, he's just a guy.

If she stops having sex, he should absolutely never push it as an issue and there can be million of reasons for it, many blaming him. If its the other way around, its a legit reason to leave.

Emotional breakdowns? She is hormonal or stressed, he is an abuser.

Sulking? She is frustrated, he is an abuser.

Jealousy? She is insecure, he is an abuser.

I am exaggerating a little perhaps, but mainly a "good" man is the one who very much sympathizes with and accommodates his wife, or at the very least tolerates her - as most of her problems are his fault after all. A woman however shows her strength and determination by breaking up with the loser who can't support her/satisfy her/give her attention.

A guy who drops his wife when she gets annoying is a selfish asshole. She gets a "you go girl."

/r/AskReddit Thread