Does anyone else thing ADHD is over diagnosed? I don’t want to shame people… but almost everybody in my class legitimately thinks they have it. And takes drugs for it.

I've wondered if it has something to do with the way teachers are speaking and the way textbooks are written. I had a therapist who was also a college professor and it's like she induced adhd on me in therapy. She had a very dull yet dominant manner about her. I read somebody else in therapy describe the same thing with her therapist, she almost becomes disassociated when around her, finds it hard to take anything seriously around her, feels unfocused. Yet, no focus problems away from the therapist.

Have hesitated to say this in the past because it sounds like a big conspiracy, they're all purposely inducing us into adhd! I'm not really speaking that literally, only it seems they aren't trying too hard to grab your attention!

/r/Antipsychiatry Thread