I’m depressed, suicidal, and hopeless. What should I do?

Quit blaming everything on being bald - I’ve seen plenty of mediocre young bald guys do fine with women. Attributing everything to being bald is an incorrect limiting belief that’s not getting you anywhere.

You’ve got to change your lifestyle and engage with the world. Not isolate yourself 24/7, complain about being bald and hope for change. Anyone who’s locked up all day with no human contact and anxiety/depression/difficulty dating is going to struggle.

You probably don’t need self-help or therapy at the moment (I mean, you sorta do, but you’re not in the mindset to engage); you need stuff in your life that actually makes you happy, even if it’s trivial.

Also, you’re wealthy. That means you can try random nonsense with little consequences. Instead of killing yourself for going bald (which sounds stupid btw), do something cool. Do something fun. You need something, anything in your life that gives you some genuine enjoyment or an interesting experience. (Not drugs or anything illegal, just random activities)

If you can develop a more positive mindset, things will improve from there.

I say nuke this account & this attitude and make a fresh start

/r/Antipsychiatry Thread