I don’t see ateez and bts similarities

I don’t think they are similar but ATEEZ’s discography is definitely bts inspired. I’ve been with ATEEZ since their debut days, then answer came out I liked it at first but it got old and then they went on like a 6 month hiatus and I lowkey forgot about them. Fast forward to know they are nearly million sellers!! But if I’m being totally honest I-fans have pushed this narrative onto ATEEZ that they are the “next bts” whether it be popularity wise, discography wise, production ect. That I’m starting to think that the boys themselves are sculpting into this narrative. I don’t want to sound rude but Wooyoung is definitely what you would call a “jimin wannabe” but not in the way you are probably thinking. He’s stated before that his idol is Jimin and I can’t really blame him, Jimin is an amazing performer and just as an amazing person but the freakish way how their company tried to play off on their similarities look-wise and the dancer role kinda threw me off a bit. I wish the boys the best!!

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