Why are Duckys and 60%s so hyped?

I was expecting more extravagant keyboard with more bells and whistles

So, you wanted to look at keyboards while seeing not a keyboard features?

This is like going to a headphones community and being disappointed that they talk about headphones!

is the general consensus that a minimalist look is the best?

No. There is a general consensus that a person should get the keyboard that they want, even if that means spending more or looking harder.

How do most people buy keyboards? They get whatever comes with their computer, or they go to a store and pick one off the shelf which fits their budget. If they are a "gamer", they get a more expensive one that has a lot of flashing lights and branding.

That is not really discerning now is it? Do people ever ask what size keyboard they want? No. Since full sized layouts are what are available, that is what people get.

I personally believe that keyboards are not meant to be seen. How a keyboard looks is only a distraction. Keyboards are meant to be used for typing, and they should only be "seen" with the fingers.

So my keyboards are minimalist in appearance.

also when it comes to RGB keyboards why ducky? why do people talk so highly of them?

Ducky has a good build quality, a standard layout, and does not require bloatware to use.

as far as im concerned corsair is the top dog of RGB mechanical keyboards.

Then get a Corsair keyboard. What do you want us to say? That your ignorance is no basis for a valid opinion? That your lack of awareness of keyboards has misled you? That you are a marketing influenced sheep?

/r/MechanicalKeyboards Thread