As I said in another comment, you're absolutely right on papers. Except that this is not how it has been working in the industry so far. There are idols with shit personality and still doing fine.

Also, keep in mind that her scandal is not as shitty as people are making it out to be. The reason you're all aggressive is because the original allegations were absolutely horrible. She should have apologized but the problem is that the allegations were completely false. People were saying she was a REAL asshole, she denied (and that was proven btw), even the actress said that soojin only gossiped about her. If the original allegations were "soojin gossiped behind peoples back", then she might have apologized or CUBE would have handled this better. But that was not the case AT ALL

So yeah, she was only a bratty teenager. Her not apologizing currently was normal given that was was said about her was 100000x times worse. She should have at least apologized to the actress for gossiping but she didn't. I still believe she was an annoying teenager, but there are NO INDICATION that she's also a horrible adult

Thus, losing your job over being a bad teenager is not right. Yall are treating her worse than a demon only because of your prejudice after the first allegations

Don't get me wrong she still should have apologized to the actress, took some time to reflect, do some charity work and get back to work. Losing your job and passion for this is not right

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