Muslims of Reddit - in your opinion, what, if anything, should we be doing to combat these acts of terrorism that keep hitting the front page perpetrated by people who claim allegiance to Islam?

I'm not a muslim (nor am I arab, nor do I have any affiliation with muslims or arabs, just a normal extremely white person), but it seems to me people are being ignorant as fuck. When you attack other people's countries, a few of them are going to try to do the same thing to you. That's what's happening here. It's just called terrorism when they do it, and not when people from our own countries do it.

what's the difference between dead civilians as a result of fighter jets dropping explosives on them, and dead people as a result of a truck being driven into the crowd? the difference is one, you people ignore, and the other effects you and people you identify with, and the news tells you to be upset, so you act upset.

it's completely ridiculous. what happened to Japan after they attacked Pearl Harbor? there's an example of what our own cultures, "religious groups", and countries do when foreigners come and attack us -- so why the fuck is it surprising when arabs/muslims come and do the same shit to us after paid gunmen ("soldiers") from our countries have invaded and blown up their countries multiple times a day every day for over a decade while kidnapping and torturing anyone who resists?

the muslim world has literally spent the past 2 decades virtually having a "paris" of their own, in their own countries' major cities, every single day for decades either perpetrated by people from our countries, or people who are financed/armed by people from our countries.

TO IMPROVE THE SITUATION OR FIX A PROBLEM, YOU HAVE TO UNDERSTAND THE ORIGIN OF THE PROBLEM. The origin isn't "their religion", that's bullshit propaganda. The reality is "they're doing the same thing back to us on a much smaller scale". If we want them to respect our lives or welfare, we'd have to respect theirs, which we obviously don't.

/r/AskReddit Thread