I don’t know why people say time heals all wounds when often after years the same wound hurts as badly and the only difference is other people expect it won’t.

The phrase ‘forgive and forget’ strikes a cord in me. I am an adult and really Didn’t have anything to complain about materially growing up - i had clothes, home, food, good schooling etc. But my feelings and opinions for myself never mattered. i hesitate to speak up. Nervous about posting here too. My parent’s drilled into me ….forgive and forget. It was as though I wouldn’t be a good person unless I instantly forgave anything said or did to me in the family. It was always said with lots of love, cajoling me , telling me to live by the principle of forgive and forget. So I truly absorbed it as parental guidance .but this meant I didn’t end up havign boundaries. I will post in Asian parents sub also. I grew up with my brother hitting me. I woudl complain and complain but it was always blown off as just siblings arguing . Finally I thought that this is normal …all brothers hit thier sisters . Thought it’s a normal part of growing up. Then , as any good Asian child, i ended up in medical school. Moved away from home. When I was a resident my brother came to visit. We had an argument snd he slapped me across the face ..i was 26 years old. I said I will go no contact with him. My dad called me and went on insisting on ‘forgive and forget ‘ …again said very lovingly , how family comes first, this is how we shoudl be in families, forgiving. i Gave in, many instances of giving in, now I face a lifetime of resentment I built up, I realize I give in in every situation ….work, relationships etc. I ended up giving so much money to my family because they needed it. it’s viewed as my duty …. I will post on Asian parents sub also. On the outside I look confident, but inside , am very anxious always feel somethig. Is wrong with me. very non assertive about my opinions. Not sure how to improve. Maybe it’s too late since I am middle aged now, thanks for letting me post, have never told anyone these things.

/r/emotionalneglect Thread