I donated money to this game over 2 years ago

The games costs between 35 and 45 depending on whether there's a sale or not. That's it. You don't need anything else to play the game. Any if the ships you can buy with cash now you will be able to buy in game later.

The big packages exist because there are people out there who do believe in the vision and want to give CIG the means to be free from publishers so we can he'll get the best damned game we all want.

Getting upset because some people have money and want this to happen seems a bit silly to me. Building a 400 person studio from the ground up while hiring some of the top experts in the industry takes money.

Building a game on the bleeding edge requires tons of very complex custom code with takes lots of time. It's no secret that people at CIG works long hours and they do it because they're passionate about what they're doing.

Just gotta have some patience. If you're not excited about what they're doing, then don't back them. Don't see the point in buying a big ship when you can earn them in game? Then don't by them.

We all want an awesome game, and that's why I backed.

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