Why don't American shops just add tax to price tags so everyone knows what the actual price is?

We have cities and counties too, you know. They all have the right to get in on the sales tax game.

You know, one for each state, since you like to pretend that the states are sooooooooooooo separated from each other....

Just baffling. WTF are you trying to say here? Is the 'you' generalized to mean all Americans, or specific to just me? And, why the long, drawn-out "soooooooooooooo"? Is that how I'm supposed to pronounce it in my head?

Before I get all hot and bothered about what appears to be anti-American snark, I want to be sure first so I don't waste any energy that could be better spent in further arguments. Clarity is good with me, I don't do sarcasm well without explanation.

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