I don't think you can

Can you tell me this. Was Hollywood founded a notoriously racist time period? Hint: the answer is a resounding yes.

Also, I said dominated by white men, not just white people. Also, people of color have been involved in film since its inception but where obviously either excluded at first in mainstream productions or reduced to racial stereotypes. However, we’re past black face and Birth of a Nation. We should expect better.

We’re not talking about Bollywood, a industry I’m guessing neither of us know much about. We’re talking AMERICA, land of the free*, home of the brave (and neglected veterans). Specifically, Hollywood. We’re a diverse country, it’s one of our strengths. However, film has a complicated history with Women and people and color. The industry has made massive strides overall but many people are frustrated with how overwhelming slow or small these steps can be.

There we go, the point. You don’t care. (Your assessment of film criticism is wrong but whatever that’s not the point).

I’m gonna stop it here because I come to this sub for the memes, not to argue film politics. If you hate Brie Larson, think she’s a sexist racist space pirate, go ahead. I’ve wasted too much time anyway.

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