I don't find J-Hope's dancing that appealing and I don't understand the hype behind it.

Upvote for unpopular. My opinion can be biased, since my ultimate bias is j-hope, but in my opinion, his dance style is very distinct. I come from hip-hop/break dance/b-boying backgrond, so I find j-hope’s dancing the most appealing and interesting. Jimin is more of a contemporary dancer, so he’s more delicate and elegant with his movements, which many find more pleasing to the eye. J-Hope’s skillset is really impresive, that boy moves like water, lol. The appeal to him as a dancer also comes from his charisma, facials and stage presence. You can clearly see how much he enjoyes performing, even when he isn’t in the center. It all comes down to what you prefer to watch.

/r/unpopularkpopopinions Thread