Don't let my dad die in vain, says son of man hit by cyclist

To those withholding accusations, acknowledging insufficient facts, thank you. In my opinion, this is journalism preying on a deeply emotional tragedy for everyone involved, and further stirring emotionally fuelled controversy between cyclists, pedestrians and drivers. It has been emotional for me to see published. Shame on The Age for this kind of journalism.

I am deeply sympathetic for this family's loss, and I am also struggling deeply in my own emotions of the event. Jaywalking pedestrians is, unfortunately, a regular danger of cycling I encounter. I follow road and shared pathway rules and am extremely attentive every time I get on the bike, for not only my safety but also the safety of individuals distracted by their phones or friends, or just carelessly crossing cycling paths or roads. I keep my equipment well maintained, I check it before every ride, use flashing lights (both front and rear), etc.

I am well trained and skilled on a bicycle, in racing events, commuting and leisure. Despite doing everything I could as a cyclist for safety, in this unfortunate instance, none of that could have avoided this collision. This gentleman and his dog stepped from hidden view behind a vehicle, directly into my legal path of travel without looking (I had solid green lights) causing the collision.

With my experience of pedestrians jaywalking, especially without looking, I have my own theories as to why this gentlemen may have done so, which will be shared with the police investigation but not in public, and please don't speculate (that can be harmful to those dealing with a traumatic event like this). I believe we need to work together to improve our infrastructure to be safer, better education of sharing roads and paths, and improved accountability of those endangering people's safety; including pedestrians, cyclists and drivers.

Pedestrians, PLEASE cross legally and look before crossing to be extra safe, and don't underestimate the speed and risk of cyclists or moving vehicles. Soo many pedestrians try to cross quickly (illegally), underestimating how fast we might be moving—that endangers BOTH our lives. Cyclists, PLEASE obey road rules and respect pedestrians—being rude and/or breaking rules fuels the animosity toward ALL cyclists, further endangering our lives from dangerous drivers, etc.

This gentleman's family has my deepest condolences in their time of grieving and, while I didn't know him, I also share the pain of this tragedy and will have to bear the effects it will have on me for the rest of my life. Going for a ride and obeying the rules shouldn't end in tragedy like this.

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