Don't Read This

I feel you. But you need to not look at those hedonists as the pinnacle of human design, and especially not look at them as the pinnacle of human achievement. I really do feel for the people born in this country. Now especially, kids are being raised by nannys and ipads. If your parent isn't just giving them an ipad and telling you to fuck off, then a nanny is gonna be the one putting them to bed. And if your parents are involved with you growing up, they are gonna be retarded and make their kids Instagram models or whatever the fuck. How some fat bitch can be ok with putting her kid in a child beauty pageants is completely beyond me. How some dumbass can send their kid to go star in some show directed by some fat retard like Dan Schneider is beyond me. Parents putting video of them smashing their kid's xbox, or them cutting their kid's hair is completely unnecessary. Parents feel the need to prove that they are good parents for some reason. "I am a good mom! My kids love me!". Because of the internet, I really don't know what the outcome of Gen-Z and onward will be. It can only be one of two possibilities: 1; Gen-Z will be smarter then all generations, learning from the mistakes of millennials and boomers. They will try their very hardest to survive in this world. 2; They will so introverted and broken by the internet they will end up in a worse spot then millennials in terms of wealth and overall state of mind.

I think to be constantly bombarded with the retardation of the internet at an early age can be traumatic. Youtube and facebook already can't monitor all the child porn and gore that gets constantly uploaded to their site every second. Could you imagine a fucking seven year old stumbling upon some ISIS execution beheading video or some shit. And people will say "Ha, what's the percentage that an ISIS execution video stays up on youtube and some kids sees it. Thats like a 1% chance. The internet is a great thing!". Well that 1% chance just fucked somebody's youth somewhat. All thanks to the internet, that is a situation that parents need to worry about now, but they won't. Parents have seen all the Chris Hansen creep catcher shows, but they will still let their girls skype men 20 years older then them.

So yeah, that thing you said about having kids, I kinda agree with. I don't wanna bring some kid into a world like this especially knowing myself as a person. I would need to improve myself DRASTICALLY so i could teach a child really cool mechanical and life knowledge. Like If I had a little girl, that would fuck me up. Her world would literally be "Hmmmm It says I should be insecure as fuck and I should spend my entire life paying to fix those unfix-able insecurities. #GURLPOWER" and it would be my fault partly for bringing her into this shit-head world. Like how the fuck can girls purchase and put on makeup with out realizing that bullshit, man. They are just exploiting insecurities THAT LITERALLY NOBODY CARES ABOUT. THEY CAN FIX THE NARRATIVE OF WHAT IT MEANS TO BE A WOMAN IF THEY STOPPED EATING GARBAGE AND PUTTING ON MAKE UP, AND INSTEAD PICKED UP A FUCKING GUN. But hey man, those jews in wallstreet put up a statue of a brave little girl. Must mean progress for women has been made, better get back to drinking my aspartame and being upset that ugly or some shit. Back to sleep........................

/r/milliondollarextreme Thread