What can I do to better set myself up as a "last choice?"

Well I got a stable job that's able to support myself living on my own, I've been working out to get fit, I've picked up some hobbies that I find interesting and looking at a few more later down the line once it makes more sense (less rona). I generally don't get into situations where I meet too many new people since I'm not really a bar person but I'll probably force myself to do it once this is all over even if I completely hate it. I've tried bumble and hinge, tinder seemed pointless since I'm largely uninterested in hookups, I'd rather get to know someone. Wasn't able to nab any matches on either.

I'm not lying when I said I tried to improve myself, it's just never going to be enough for me. I don't really know what else I can do.

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