Why don't you talk to your once "best friend" anymore?

All went downhill when he got his current girlfriend/ partner now. We used to hang out a lot usually at my house, watched series, played games together. But after that he spent most of that time talking to her via texts, was getting kinda clear he wasn't enjoying anymore.

Me and her could never see eye to eye. I really disliked who she was as a person, never nice to people around her. Went with them on a seaside trip with a bus filled with older people mostly and she kept kicking the seat in front of her and loudly complaining because two old ladies were having a old ladies talk. He also kept helping her buy things but never seen her show appreciation to him. Cut ties with her but she still knew a lot of things about me because my friend told her everything. So i stopped giving him details too. Recently they got a baby so i tried to reconnect since i thought being a mother would change her. I only had her added on Instagram. Fast forward a week or two, she goes absolutely nuts over me due to a post i made on Facebook (i don't have her added there, she must have used my friends account to see it) where I shared an introvert post saying I'd rather go on walks and see nice places than go out and party. She said that they were inviting me to things and i never go so why am i posting things like this. Also personal stuff like how i need to grow up and get into a relationship and do something with my life and not only play video games. Said my friend thinks the same but it's just afraid to say it. Out of all the bs she said, i think that one was the most truthful and honest. Instantly cut ties with both after that , deleted them from my social networks and that's it.

She still knows my reddit account name as she commented on my posts now and again (beyond me why she's keep track of me) but if you see this please don't reply and hope you guys have a wonderful life. :)

TL;DR: went downhill with his current gf and i not seeing eye to eye and them disliking my lifestyle choices.

/r/AskReddit Thread