Double trouble...

I wouldn't assume any issues from the abnormalities. I was diagnosed with UD 13 years ago. I had 6 pregnancies over an 8 year period and the first 5 pregnancies ended in miscarriages between 8-13 weeks. After lots of testing and monitoring through a Reproductive Endocrinologist it was determined the UD had no impact. I went on to have a daughter 5 years ago. The main impact of the UD was needing a C-section at 37 wks. That's not to say that you couldn't have complications from UD with a pregnancy but not a guarantee of a miscarriage. A lot of women have miscarriages whether they have any issues or not. Try to enjoy as much of it as possible. Prepare for the worst and hope for the best. I know for me after the 1st miscarriage I had no excitement or joy in any pregnancy. I was just waiting for the bad news to come at any moment. I wish you the best on this journey and good luck!

/r/uterinedidelphys Thread