I don't get why everything on the internet has to be child friendly now

I don’t get why everything on the internet is about porn & objectifying human body parts for quick sexual gratification? Innocent children need to be shielded from this as long as possible.

Just take look at our current generation of men, growing up with porn readily available as young as 9-10 has completely ruined their concept of sex & what it means to be in a fulfilling relationship. You have these guys who are claiming to be straight but are DL on gay hook up apps/web cams, they are making gay/trans ppl dress up like chicks & fucking them from behind in the dark because they can’t get a woman to touch them. And it’s all mostly due to them not wanting to better themselves. So getting quick/unsafe sex oral is the easy StD route they are willing to take over putting in the work to be a better human. I’m done with men. You guys can have each other & all the STDs you spread knowingly. I’m good..lol

/r/childfree Thread