Drugs and Prison Life

The stuff you buy outside often looks like weed because it’s plant matter, which is also disarming because people correlate the two. It’s a green plant you smoke, so must be safe.

In fact, that’s one of the biggest problems with it. The correlation with weed because of the visual similarity disarms people.

Folk who take crack, heroin, meth etc know what those drugs are and know they’re at the serious end of the scale. They go in knowing the reputation and the potential.

It gives some people a false belief that it must be fine, because weed never hurt anyone.

In reality, that plant matter is soaked with all sorts of shite chemicals and it turns people into another person in the space of minutes. The effects can be dramatic and worrying, and it can happen with quite a small amount. I’ve seen a friend smoke a bowl and just lose his mind for a while.

Even for someone like me who has always been around drugs, had friends die from heroin ODs growing up, and even taken my fair share over the years, it actually scared me a bit. When I saw that I refused to take it and never have.

It’s a dangerous drug that has absolutely no comparison to weed imo.

/r/Prison Thread Parent